TekHRM - Created To Make Business Easy

TekHRM is being developed with the goal of fulfilling customers need; it has extensive team having expertise in Human Resource & Payroll. In its beta version, application is running successfully in few of organizations & receiving positive feedbacks by our customers.

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About Us

Effortless Solution To Cater All Your HRMS/Payroll

TekHRM is a cloud based leading software for managing business processes related to human resource management (HRM), Payroll Management, Time & Attendance, Taxation and Tracking Organization Reports. Primarily it is developed for Indian clients only and helping small & large businesses to modernize their process & workflows in order to save time in the areas of employee self service, leave etc.

TekHRM Created for you

Increase your productivity by saving time from manual handling of payroll & tedious tax calculations.

TekHrm Fetaures

  • Get Auto Generated Statistics
  • Taxation With Ease & Accuracy
  • Payroll Processing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is it?

A cloud based leading software for managing business processes related to human resource management (HRM), Payroll Management, Time & Attendance, Taxation and Tracking Organization Reports. Initially it is developed for Indian customers only and helping small & large businesses to modernize their process & workflows in order to save time in the areas of employee self service, leave etc. Software is designed in such a way that it reduces work of HR Management by automating their activities from employee entry to exit. Accessible by anyone & available with a very user-friendly appearance, no technical skills required. There is no higher investment to implement it, by an online subscription it lets you to experience the features provided.

How does it works?

It is cloud based technology hence accessible from anywhere, anytime There is no hardware/software installation required (application is hosted on our own servers & give you assurrity of 99.99% uptime) Just subscribe for a 15 days trial account to & get ownership of your account immediately right after verification process is done. Once satisfied, create your own plan & convert account into paid to continue with TekHRM

What can it handle?

Employee Administration: Maintains all employee data at one place, automated organization hierarchy, store employee documents online, creates permission based employee access & generates multiple customized reports that you need for your business & compliance.
Attendance & Leave Tracking: Create employee roaster, manage multiple shifts, mark attendance online, Automated leave approvals, Monitor real time attendance –who is in, auto calculated total working hours/Late comings/Early leavings & over time at month end or on daily basis.
Payroll Management: Auto defined salary templates, Create Salary Structure in one click, Online Investment Declarations & approvals (By HR), Tax calculation in a second, Process & Disburse Payroll efficiently in just 3 easy steps.
Employee Self Service: Lets your employee to handle all their data on own, View/Download Company Policies/Leave Balances/Monthly Attendance/Payslips/Tax Calculations/ Shift Assigned & work flows i.e. Leave Approvals/Claim Expenses/Apply Loan etc.


Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

"Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Sara Wilsson


"Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Jena Karlis

Store Owner

"Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Matt Brandon


"Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

John Larson


"Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.